Interview with Nils Hämmerli on the signs of good leadership

What distinguishes good leadership? Many people with leadership responsibility ask themselves this question. As part of my book project, I interviewed Nils Hämmerli, the Patrouille Suisse commander, about the topic of leadership.

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Performance is a Question of Balance

Do you sometimes get the feeling that all you ever do is run around doing things? Also, do you sometimes ask yourself whether you are actually in balance? Perhaps you feel like you are not really well-balanced? Rather, in the worst-case scenario, you feel like you are stressed, being driven, and…

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How Do I Find the “Right” Leadership Style?

As a leader, have you ever considered or asked yourself whether you are actually using the right leadership style? Or whether there might be a more effective type of leadership that helps you be more impactful as you go about your business?

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How Can I Motivate My Colleagues?

As a leader, you have surely asked yourself more than once, “How can I motivate my colleagues even more? How else can I, as a leader, make an impact on the motivation and commitment of my colleagues?”

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Are you really doing what you want to, professionally speaking?

Have you by any chance ever asked yourself whether you are really on the right track with what you are doing in your professional life? Whether what you are doing really fits the bill? Or whether there might be something else that would allow you to live up to your full potential and use your core…

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How do I increase my performance?

Managing your own performance belongs to good self management. Every person has an individual performance curve. In this context, commonly called the biorhythms of the “inner clock” but more precisely referred to as the circadian rhythm - sleep wake cycle, which animals and plants also have.

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Time pressure has full control of me!

Time management - a term used in business life increasingly nowadays has also been moving into the private sector. "I don't have time" is an increasingly made said and heard statement. But time cannot be »managed«, because every day you have 24 new hours available if you manage them well.»

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What makes decisions sometimes so difficult?

Anyone who maintains leadership responsibility knows: good self management is no longer limited to boardrooms. Employees at different hierarchy levels must manage their own resources, strengths and limitations competently, to meet ever higher requirements. One thing that belongs to good self…

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My appreciation doesn't show

"The appreciation I am showing as a leader is simply not received by my employees!“ In my work with leaders, but also with employees, I repeatedly experience that the issue of "appreciation" is seen and experienced unsatisfactorily. Many employees, in their own view, receive too little appreciation…

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I am never being praised

Without recognition and appreciation, the one thing happens that companies do not need at all: Our commitment declines and we become latently dissatisfied!

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