Mindful or mind full? There is strength in serenity

Imagine the following situation: You are sitting in your parked car. The transmission is in neutral. And yet you keep stepping on the gas pedal, causing the car to make a lot of noise. While the roar pervades the neighborhood, you are not getting anywhere. You are still stopped, just making a lot of noise about nothing and consuming valuable energy.

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In the figurative sense we can transfer this situation to the uncontrolled, independent thinking of our mind. If we allow our mind to be uncontrolled, it performs its task: it produces thoughts. Frequently, however, thoughts that are not very helpful, that are full of worries and which tend to be negative. Of course, this does not mean that we should not use our mind to get from A to B with the gas pedal, or that we should not think about a problem to solve it. In these cases, however, we put it in drive mode to move forward in a purposeful manner.

Learn to keep calm

For most people, it is probably one of the greatest challenges of all to keep calm and stay relaxed in every situation, regardless of the circumstances. At the same time, it is one of the most important keys to living a happier and more relaxed life and to achieving more impact in a professional context such as in leadership or collaboration. Sometimes, this also depends on the inner peace, or on the current noise of thought, that the mind produces. Entirely in the spirit of “mindful or mind full?”

It’s like driving a car: if the vehicle is stationary, we no longer need the engine. We put it in idle, or turn it off completely – which most new vehicles do on their own anyway. It’s the same with our thinking: if we don’t use our mind actively and consciously, we can let it run in the background, not take it so seriously anymore and not let ourselves be carried away by each and every thought.

This is the state in which thinking separates from consciousness. We learn simply to be without the mind constant noise of thinking. To simply sense the moment without evaluating it. This very relaxing and liberating effect can be cultivated. Learn to use your mind only when you really need it, when it is useful.

Another image that is a very good analogy is the picture of a hurricane taken from space. A giant vortex with a black hole in it – the area where silence reigns. That’s what it’s all about. Become the eye of the storm. Create this place of retreat in yourself and learn to use it even in hectic day-to-day business. Let the outside run its course and don’t let it sweep you away. This is the way to keep calm, even if the storm literally rages around you.