Communicate as Effectively as the Astronauts

Soon they will come again, the warm and clear summer nights that allow us to see thousands of stars and, with a little luck, spot the International Space Station ISS moving along its orbital path.

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Have you ever wondered what it must be like to spend days or even months with other people up there in a narrow tin can while keeping communication and collaboration highly professional? Even under pressure and in a highly complex environment in which the quality of communication is safety relevant and tension or even conflict can lead to fatal situations?

This can only be achieved with a high degree of emotional intelligence combined with excellent self- and relationship-management. There is a highly effective method for this that has proven to be successful over decades: the Process Communication Model® developed by Dr. Taibi Kahler.

Towards the end of the 1970’s, Dr. Terry McGuire, lead psychiatrist for manned spaceflight at NASA at that time, invited Dr. Kahler to demonstrate the effectiveness of his Process Communication Model® (PCM) in the Astronaut selection process. This was the beginning of an extensive collaboration with NASA during which Dr. Kahler and Dr. McGuire introduced PCM to the selection and assessment process as well as training and leadership development of NASA Astronauts.

The benefit of PCM for collaboration in spaceflight is just as obvious as it is for many other settings that require effective communication under pressure, such as the flight deck of a passenger aircraft or an emergency room at a hospital. But even beyond these specific settings, any other area in which people need to effectively interact can benefit from PCM, i.e. leadership, collaboration among management teams, project management, or any kind of sales and customer service. Especially the reliable predictability of behavior under pressure provides an indispensable advantage of this highly effective communication model.

This is why Dr. Kahler translated his concepts into a behavior-oriented and generally comprehensive language, which is effective regardless of the context. Meanwhile, PCM has been successfully applied for decades by more than a million people worldwide – with increasing demand.

Let’s face it: despite the fact that the technical growth of the past decades has remarkably changed organizations and that permanent availability and immediate access to information have created new forms of communication, the business world still consists of real human beings with their skills, education, experience and in particular their individual personalities. At the end of the day, it is them who represent the most valuable potential and capital of any organization.

This being said, very often the timeframe in which people can establish contact and build trust among each other has become very short. Moreover, the ability to inspire others, give meaning to work, bundle the strengths of a team and handle tension constructively have become indispensable qualities of leadership.

In order to effectively deal with high amounts of stress and pressure, we need to know our own strengths and requirements. Emotional intelligence, effective self-management and improved relationship-management help reduce the pressure and facilitate high performance of both individuals and teams. What organization can afford to relinquish these skills nowadays?

Here, PCM represents a scientifically proven and validated instrument that can be tailored and applied to many fields of application. Among these are leadership, communication, conflict management, team development and coaching, negotiation skills, motivation, personality development and behavior under stress.

PCM is different from other models especially due to its ability to predict behavior in distress and provide solutions for stress management, motivation and effective communication. And the very best: PCM is not rocket-science but can be understood and put into practice in just a few days by anyone.

Process Communication Model® is a protected trademark of Dr. Taibi Kahler. As a licensed PCM trainer I look forward to familiarizing you with the method and supporting you in improving your relationship competence, be it in leadership, collaboration or customer contact. Find more information about PCM <link file:415 _blank process communication model>here.