Thomas Gelmi
As an executive coach, facilitator, and sparring partner, Thomas Gelmi has been supporting executives and teams at various levels in their development for more than two decades. He does this in four languages (DE, EN, FR, IT) and worldwide, across industries and cultures.
He has excellent references in working with both multinational corporations and SMEs. In addition, he has many years of experience as a lecturer and coach at renowned Swiss educational institutions, such as the University of St. Gallen HSG, the Hochschule für Wirtschaft HWZ, and the Kalaidos Bildungsgruppe.

Methods & certifications:
In addition to being a leadership specialist with a Swiss Federal Professional Diploma and a general management diploma, Thomas Gelmi holds a number of certifications in recognized human resource development and diagnostic procedures, including:
- LCP - Leadership Circle Profile (360°)
- CLA - Collective Leadership Assessment
- Psychological Safety Index (PSI) by Amy C. Edmondson
- Hogan Leadership Assessments
- Stakeholder Centered Coaching by Marshall Goldsmith, U.S.A.
- SCOAP Coaching (neuroscientific approach)
- Solution-focused Brief Coaching
- Relational Coaching, Sonja Radatz
- Provocative Coaching, Frank Farrelly
- DISC-Personality Model, Persolog
- PCM Process-Communication-Model
- Certified Outplacement- and Career Consultant
- Certified in Adult Education SVEB
- Professional Caregiver and Teamleader Care, Carelink
- Leadership & Crisis Management, ZS Swiss Armed Forces
- Leadership Methodology, ZS Swiss Armed Forces
Since 2020, Thomas Gelmi has been a member of the prestigious Forbes Coach Council, a community of leading business coaches whose members are selected and invited based on their extensive and diverse experience.
Furthermore, he is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), whose values and quality standards guide his work.